Spring Show

Gate City Fall Classica Competition

Conway Arena

5 Stadium Drive, Nashua, NH 03062

Saturday October 26, 2024 | 11:00am


Basic Skills Competition

All participants must be  a member of US Figure Skating or a registered member of Learn to Skate USA!


Entry fees will not be refunded after October 14th, unless no competition exists or the event is cancelled. There will be no refunds for medical withdrawals.   The online processing fees are not refundable. Payment of all fees will be required before the skater is allowed to participate in practice ice or events.


Competitors may be scheduled on any day or time during the announced dates of the competition. The competition and practice ice schedule will be available after the close of entries. All participants will be notified via email once available.  Ice time scheduled for event is 11:10am-6pm

EVENT REQUIREMENTS   learn more about COMPETE USA program requirements


MUSIC UPLOAD: DEADLINE:   October 14, 2024, at 11:59 pm Eastern **

Music will ONLY be accepted by digitally via email.  Late uploads will NOT be accepted, and any associated registration fees will be forfeited.

Email your music to:   conwayarena.music@gmail.com

Be sure to have your Skaters Name and Competition Level in the Subject of the email.

Skaters that fail to upload their music will NOT be able to compete and all associated registration fees will be forfeited

All music must meet the following criteria. If you have questions about what format you have, please contact your coach and get a new version of your music that meets the criteria listed below.


  • File Format: MP3

  • Bit Rate: 192 kbps or higher and Sample Rate: 44,100 kHz

    • This will be verified by the music chair and they may request you upload a corrected file.

  • Leaders and trailers (the silence or “dead space” before and after the actual start and end of the program music) may not exceed two (2) seconds. We prefer that there be NO leaders or trailers at all. Excessive leaders and trailers may disrupt the playing of the music during competition.

Competitors must also bring a copy of their competition music on CD as a backup in case of technical difficulties and must be available rink side during the competition. Only CDs (standard CD-R format only) will be accepted for backups and must be clearly marked with the competitor’s name, event, and running time.


U.S. Figure Skating and Conway Arena accepts no responsibility for injury or damage sustained by any participant in this competition. This is in accordance with Rule 1600 of the official U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook.